Remote Career AI

Post a New Job

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Pricing Summary

Base Price$299
Total Price$299

You will receive a full refund if your job post receives fewer than 108 clicks in 30 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund?

Yes, you automatically receive a 90% refund if your job post receives fewer than 108 clicks in 30 days.

How can I remove my job post?

Simply email to remove your job post.

Do you offer bundles?

Yes, for bundle inquiries, please email

How many clicks can I expect?

On average, job posts receive around 100-200 clicks per month. However, this can vary based on the job ad. We recommend highlighting your job for more visiblity.

What are the benefits of posting a job here?

Our platform reaches a wide audience of remote job seekers, ensuring your job post gets maximum visibility. Additionally, we offer various add-ons to enhance your job post's visibility.